Three (3) Days Severe Weather Outlook Bulletin for Vanuatu

Issued by the Vanuatu Meteorology and Geo-Hazards Department,
Port-Vila at 01:00pm Thursday, November 21, 2024 (UTC Time 02:00am)

Rainfall (100 millimeters or more in a 24-hour period)

Day 1: Moderate to High over Northern and Central islands

Day 2: Moderate to High over Northern and Central islands

Day 3: Moderate to High over Northern and Central islands

Inland winds (20 knots or more)

Day 1:  Low to moderate over Central and Southern Islands

Day 2: Low to moderate over Central and Southern Islands

Day 3: Low to moderate over Central and Southern Islands

Vanuatu coastal waters (winds of 25 knots or over)

Day 1: High over Central, Channel and Southern waters.

Day 2: High over Central, Channel and Southern waters.

Day 3: High over Central, Channel and Southern waters.

NOTES: Chance of the event occurring for each day

Low: 10 - 30%
Moderate 40 - 60%
High: 70 – 100%